Let me preface this by saying just how much I hate going to the dentist’s It is one of the most excruciating things I experience all year. (Twice of course). I just was terrified to go this last time and thought I’d just relax myself with some wine before the appointment. I don’t know if I drank way more than I thought or if the wine interacted with something I was given at the office, but apparently I was flat out drunk. I was making fun of staff and dancing on equipment. They filmed it to give me proof when I sobered up. They had to call my husband at work to come pick me up. I am so humiliated I don’t know what to do. I don’t think I can go back there. But, even if I switch dentists, it won’t solve my overall problem of hating dental visits. Is there a solution?
Margie H.
I’m so sorry for your experience. That must have been awful. As you’ve learned, it is always important you tell your dentist what you’ve been taking, including alcohol so they can avoid any unpleasant interactions.
That doesn’t mean you’re doomed to always have horrible dental appointments. You mentioned you’re going to be looking for a new dentist. May I suggest you look for a dentist who performs sedation dentistry. You can have completely pain free dental appointments.
You definitely won’t want to drink before going to an appointment where you’ll use sedation, but the good news is you won’t need it. There are different levels of sedation. At your level of anxiety, I would recommend oral conscious sedation. You won’t feel a thing and will be completely relaxed.
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