I’ve lost quite a few teeth due to gum disease. I’d like to get dental implants, but my dentist says I can’t because I have advanced gum disease. Instead, he says I have to get removable partial dentures. I’d really rather have the implants to feel like I have secure teeth again. Do you know of any way around this?
Dear Bud,
While your dentist is technically correct, I hope he meant that you can’t get dental implants right away. First, you’ll need to get your gum disease under control. It is a serious issue and you will continue to lose teeth. I want you to take a peek at the image below. Notice the dental implant is surrounded by bone. It is this bone that held in the roots of your teeth until your gum disease advanced too far and led to severe bone loss. This is why your teeth fell out. They had no support.
Dental implants require that same bone support. While you have a good goal, if you have the implants placed prematurely they will fall out. Infection and inadequate bone support are both leading causes of dental implant failure.
There is Still a Chance for You to Get Dental Implants
If you’re willing to work and do an additional procedure, you can still have the smile you want with dental implants. The first thing you’ll need to do is see a periodontist. They specialize in gum issues and can help you obtain healthy gums again.
Once your gums are healthy, you will likely need to have some bone grafting done in order to build back up the bone structure you’ve lost. Then, you will be a candidate for dental implants. In the meantime, removable partial dentures will be a decent temporary replacement.
Who Should Do Your Implant Procedure?
This is an advanced procedure and not every dentist is qualified to do it. You want a dentist who invests in significant post-doctoral training. For instance, in Dr. Krutchick’s state of New York, a dentist is required to take 10 hours of continuing education per year. That amounts to 200 hours in a ten year period. Dr. Krutchick was honored for taking 2,000 hours. That is ten times the amount required. That is the type of dentist you want to do your implants…or any other big procedure for that matter.
This blog is brought to you by West Seneca Dentist Dr. Warren Krutchick.