I’m scheduled for a job interview in two days and the porcelain veneer on my front tooth decided to just fall right off. I don’t know what to do. I called my dentist’s office and he acted like it’s no big deal. He said they can’t see me for a week. My interview is well before that. He doesn’t understand how important this interview is to me. Is there anything I can do? Even just using super glue?
Anna R. – Delaware
It sounds to me like your dentist isn’t a serious cosmetic dentist. They understand just how important these types of things are. Whatever you do, don’t use super glue. It’s really effective and your dentist will have a bit of a time getting it off. Plus, it’s not likely you’ll get it bonded with a perfect seal, which puts you at risk for decay. Additionally, if you don’t get it placed properly, you could throw off your bite and damage your other teeth.
You have two options. You can call around to other cosmetic dentists explaining your situation. One of them would likely consider it an emergency and make time to help you. Another option is to go to a drug store and get a temporary dental cement. It’s not as strong as the super glue and your dentist will be able to remove it when he has time to repair the veneer. Don’t use this option if it’s an interview over a meal. The seal is not likely to hold fast over eating and drinking.
Another thing that needs to be looked at is the reason the veneer fell off in the first place, because it shouldn’t have.
This blog is brought to you by Dr. Warren Krutchick.