There are many, many foods you can eat to improve your oral health. However, why are these foods so good for your teeth? What is it about them that makes them so beneficial? The answer is the vitamins and minerals they contain…
Below is a list of the specific vitamins and minerals your teeth need and why.
1 – Vitamin A promotes a steady flow of saliva in order to wash away food particles. It also keeps the soft tissue of your mouth healthy and free of bacteria.
2 – Vitamins B2 and B12 reduce your risk of developing canker sores.
3 – Vitamin B3 helps promote your nervous system function, which helps your body kill bacteria and infections. Too little of this can cause halitosis and mouth sores.
3 – Vitamin C prevents gingivitis; without it, you can experience bleeding gums and tooth loosening/loss.
5 – Vitamin D is necessary to help your body absorb Calcium, which is what your jaw and teeth are mostly composed of. It also increases your bone mineral density… A deficiency in this vitamin can result in burning mouth syndrome; a bitter, metallic taste accompanied by dryness.
6 – Vitamin K works as a shield against certain substances that break down your bones and teeth.
7 – Calcium, as mentioned above, is what your teeth and jaw are made of, and is necessary in order to keep them strong and healthy.
8 – Iron deficiency causes mouth sores and a lack of oxygen all through your body. This can cause harmful bacteria to build up and form infections.
9 – Magnesium builds up and strengthens your enamel.
10 – Phosphorus, like Calcium, works to give your teeth and bones extra strength.
11 – Potassium prevents your blood from becoming too acidic and leaching Calcium from your bones.
12 – Zinc prevents the growth of bacteria and plaque along your gum line.
As you can see, a proper supply of these vitamins and minerals teeth need has so many benefits to your oral health. Keep in mind to take vitamins and to diet responsibly, as well as consult with your doctor and your dentist to find out the best ways to get the most of all these. Remember to keep up with regular home dental care as well as visits to your dentist!