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Top Five Foods to Avoid For Your Teeth

It is no secret that what we eat directly affects our oral health. When you are trying to eat healthy to benefit your teeth, it is important to know what kinds of foods to avoid.

Top Five Foods to Avoid For Your Teeth

Below are the top five worst kinds of foods for your teeth.

Acidic foods.

Acid wears away at your enamel. Enamel is the natural protective coating all teeth have. It is not replaceable and once it is all gone, your teeth are much more susceptible to serious damage. Some acidic foods to avoid are: citrus, soda, tomatoes, sour candy, and energy drinks.

Sugary foods.

Lots of sugar will wreak havoc on your oral health. This is why it is one of the worst kinds of food for your teeth. Sugar creates a great environment for harmful bacteria by providing it with food. As bacteria feed on the sugar, it processes and creates even more bacteria. This will cause cavities and decay. Some sugary foods to avoid are: candy, sports drinks, sweetened tea, pastries, and juice with added sugar.

Chewy/sticky foods.

Sticky and chewy foods will coat your teeth, and be very difficult to remove. Even if you brush your teeth, the stickiness will be hard to clean out of your molars. Chewy foods are also bad for any existing work on your teeth such as braces and fillings. Some foods like this to avoid are: dried fruit, gum, gummy candies, and caramel.

Starchy foods.

Starch quickly breaks down and turns into sugar. This creates all the issues we already mentioned above, as well as being more difficult to remove. Many starchy foods turn into a thick, paste-like substance in the mouth. This substance will get lodged in your teeth and gums, and will cause decay if not cleaned out properly. Starchy foods to avoid are: crackers, potato chips, bread, pasta, and corn.

Hard foods.

Very hard foods can cause damage to your teeth quite badly. Chips and breaks in your teeth become pockets of bacteria. This gives decay a beeline to the roots of your teeth, resulting in possible tooth loss. It is very important to eat hard foods carefully so your teeth are not damaged. Some hard foods to avoid are: ice, meat on the bone, hard candy, candy apples, and nutshells.

I hope reading about these five worst kinds of foods for your teeth will help you be more aware of your oral health. In addition to eating well for your teeth, always keep up with regular dental checkups, cleanings, and daily dental hygiene. Contact us today to schedule your next visit.