Getting a beautiful, confident smile is an important investment. You would never want to invest lots of money on a new smile makeover that doesn’t look much different from the original or even worse than the original – and then be stuck with it too, right? That will never happen here. Dr. Embury guarantees it.
Dr. Embury is a cosmetic dentist, which means he has the skills of a technician and the creative vision of an artist, and creating a beautiful smile takes true artistry. Not everyone can wear the same smile. Dr. Embury knows that just because one smile worked for one person doesn’t mean it will work for you. He considers your facial shape and what you want people to see when they look at your smile. And when Dr. Embury completes the makeover, he stands behind his work. He’s so sure you’ll love his work that he provides you with a beautiful smile guarantee: he won’t put them in unless you love them.
How the Smile Guarantee Works
Dr. Embury begins the smile makeover process by discussing with you how you want your new smile to look. He has some photographs of different smiles, including photos of work we have done in our office. Or you can bring in a photograph of someone whose smile you like.
Once you and Dr. Embury have figured out your design, he will have his lab create a wax-up model of your design, which he will give you to look over. If you feel the wax-up is an accurate depiction of what you wanted your new smile to look like, he will have a temporary, or provisional, smile makeover made for you. When the provisional smile is ready, Dr. Embury places it over your teeth. At this time, you can observe the color and shape of the teeth and note anything you’d like changed or fixed. Wear it for a while. Get reaction from your family or friends and make sure it is what you want. He can make any changes you want until your provisional meets your complete approval.
Dr. Embury and his ceramist will then model your permanent teeth after the provisional smile. And while the ceramist creates the permanent design, you will get to wear your provisional smile makeover. When your permanent teeth are ready, you will have the try-on. Dr. Embury uses a gentle try-in paste that holds the permanent smile design to your mouth just well enough that you can get a really good look at them on you in the mirror. If you love them, only then will your new teeth be permanently bonded.
Although extremely unlikely, there are times when, even after many revisions and notes, the permanent teeth just aren’t right. If this happens, your teeth will be sent back to the lab and redone until you approve. Remember, Dr. Embury won’t put them in unless you love them. That’s his beautiful smile guarantee.
If you’d like a beautiful new smile, call our office or contact us via the online form for a consultation!
To learn about some smile makeover techniques, please read our page on porcelain veneers.
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