The pain associated with TMJ disorder is real and can be excruciating. Some TMJ sufferers can experience muscle spasms, limited range of motion in the mouth, clicking noises in the jaw joints, or severe headaches. Dr. Embury can help you get relief from your pain and give you a healthy bite. A healthy bite creates a beautiful, lasting smile.
What Is a TMJ Dentist?
Since TMJ is not a recognized specialty, it’s not accurate to call someone a TMJ dentist. However, some dentists understand TMJ and treat this disorder. Dr. Embury can see you if you have TMJ disorder. If your case is mild, he’ll be able to treat you. If it is more complex, he will refer you to a specialist.
What is TMJ?
The term TMJ means temporomandibular joint, and the disorder can be complex. The joint connects your jawbone and skull and has hinge and sliding motion. It’s the only joint in the body with this level of complexity. The disorder can arise from complications of the joint or from the muscles.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Dr. Embury diagnoses your TMJ disorder with a detailed medical history and thorough dental exam. He will study your chewing habits, the condition of your chewing muscles, check for any joint deterioration and other factors. Sometimes the answers are simple, but sometimes they are complicated.
Sometimes, all you need to solve your TMJ disorder is a simple appliance. Dr. Embury uses the NTI appliance—a small, clear plastic device that you secure over your front teeth before bedtime. Each NTI appliance is custom fit to your teeth. The purpose is to help you stop clenching your teeth during the night. After a few weeks, even days, many of your TMJ symptoms will dissipate. Sometimes, this will be all you need. More treatment will be needed in moderate to severe cases, and Dr. Embury will refer you to an appropriate doctor.
To learn more about TMJ disorder and how we can help you, please call our office or contact us via the online form for a consultation!