My dentist said I need a root canal treatment on one of my teeth. It doesn’t hurt at all and he only noticed the infection because I went in for a regular check up. If it is not bothering me, do I really need to do this right away or can I put it off? I’m in a rather busy season at work for the moment.
Dear Saddie,
This abscessed tooth needs a root canal treatment.
Bear in mind that I have not examined you. However if your tooth is not hurting and hasn’t for a while, as it sounds like yours has been, then you are probably okay to leave it unless that changes.
Here are some things to look for so that you will know when it is important to get seen. First, if it starts hurting, even just a little bit, that means that you have transitioned to an active infection. You will want to get it dealt with. Another symptom would be either a pimple or drainage from your gums. That means you have an abscessed tooth. With this scenario, I would schedule an emergency dental appointment.
Believe it or not, even in the twenty-first century, people still die from tooth infections. Once they spread out of your mouth, they can travel to your throat, your heart, or your brain. That can turn a dental emergency into a life threatening one.
Other than those scenarios, you can wait. Though, be aware that you do risk external resorption, which causes the infection to slowly eat away at the root of your tooth. If that happens, the tooth is no longer savable. You’d then have to extract and replace the tooth. If that happens, I recommend you look into getting a dental implant. It will be the closest to having a healthy, natural tooth in your mouth again.
Often patients who had a tooth that needed a root canal treatment but wasn’t bothering them discover that after they have the procedure done, their general health feels better. When it is convenient for you, I’d get it done for that reason.
This blog is brought to you by West Seneca Dentist Dr. Carl Embury.