I looked up amalgam filings and the ADA says they’re perfectly safe. Why do dentist say they’re not? My dentist says my fillings need to come out because they’re leaking
Jenna – Vermont
I don’t know of any dentist who are saying the fillings themselves aren’t safe. Some will say the mercury in them is a toxic substance. Others will say the mercury vapor isn’t safe. Most will say silver fillings that are leaking aren’t safe.
Many patients are uncomfortable with the idea of mercury in their mouths, so dentists, especially holistic dentists, have mercury-free options for them.
If your dentist is telling you that you have leakiy fillings, it’s time to do something about them. Amalgam fillings are made mostly of mercury. When they’re leaking, you’re ingesting that.
Make sure your dentist knows how to do sanitary removal or you’ll just breathe in vapors. If he doesn’t, you can go to a holistic dentist. They’ll know how to do a sanitary removal.
This blog is brought to you by Buffalo Dentist Dr. Warren Krutchick.