I have to have quite a bit of dental work that needs to be done. I’m considering doing it all at once, which would require dental sedation. I’ve heard that makes you sleep. Do I sleep there until is wears off?
Sonya L.
Dear Sonya,
Every dentist uses a different type of sedation medication. Because of that, your first appointment with your sedation dentist will be a consultation to discuss the medication and what to expect. You’ll also go over all the medications you’re currently on to make sure there is nothing that would interfere with the medication your dentist currently uses. If it does interfere you can still have sedation, he’ll just work with another medication if yours can’t be postponed.
How Does Dental Sedation Affect You?
While each medication is different, they all tend to keep you sleepy for the remainder of the day. The dentist will expect you to have someone of adult age to drive you to and from your appointment as well as stay with you throughout the day.
You will sleep some in the office after the procedures are ending, but when you’re able to function, you’ll be released to your caregiver. Expect to stay either in bed or on the couch for the day. You’ll be unsteady on your feet, so if you do need to get up for the restroom or something, make sure your helper is there to help you.
As you mentioned above, the benefit of sedation is it allows you to get more work done in each sitting. So, hopefully, you’ll only need one appointment.
This blog is brought to you by Dr. Warren Krutchick.