I had porcelain veneers done. The dentist and I discussed everything ahead of time, but I didn’t get to look at them before they were bonded on. When I looked at them, they seemed wider than I expected. I could live with that, but they’re not centered with my lips and that is driving me crazy. The dentist says they’re beautiful and I’m being overly critical. Is there anything to be done about this?
Allyssa K.
Dear Allyssa,
I don’t think you’re being overly critical, but even if you were it’s your smile. You paid to have a beautiful smile and that’s what you should get. What matters most is whether you think it’s beautiful. This sounds to me like you’ve used an inexperienced cosmetic dentist. Most true cosmetic dentists realize it’s the patient’s feelings that matter. In fact, the best cosmetic dentists have a beautiful smile guarantee.
Because your dentist bonded them on without your consent first you have a great case for a full refund. A dentist is never supposed to perform a procedure without your consent. Ever.
Who Should Place Your Porcelain Veneers?
You’re not the first person to have off-centered teeth. Even some famous people have some things go wrong. A famous example is Tom Cruise. Find a portrait of him online and you will see that his midline is off too. But, when you’re an action celebrity, it may be easier to get away with that.
When it comes to porcelain veneers, who you choose to do your smile matters. You need someone who’s invested a significant amount of time in post-graduate training. Additionally, they’ll need an artistic eye. But, how are patients supposed to know who that is?
Fortunately, there’s a website who evaluates the skills of cosmetic dentists. The mynewsmile.com website checks the technical skill and artistry of dentists who want to advertise on their site. They don’t allow dentists to just pay to get on. Instead, they’ll only allow the best cosmetic dentists. Check there site.
If you go to one of their recommended dentists, they can give you a gorgeous smile.
This blog is brought to you by Dr. Warren Krutchick.