I’ve been crying for the last hour and have decided I need to reach out for advice. I went to get a smile makeover from my dentist with porcelain veneers. We talked in depth about what I wanted. He seemed to think it could happen. When they first came back I could tell before he even tried to put them on that they were way too bulky looking. He sent them back but used the same lab, which puzzled me. Then, the second set looked bulky to me too when they held them up. He said they’d look different on my teeth. They didn’t. Now I have bulky teeth permanently bonded on and am embarrassed by this smile I paid a small fortune for. I’ve tried calling my dentist for a refund or re-do, but he seems to be avoiding me. What do I do?
Dear Lanna,
When you pay for a smile makeover, you want to be proud of it!
I am very sorry this happened to you. We hear these cosmetic dentistry horror stories all the time. They usually derive from someone going to their family dentist for a smile makeover not realizing he hasn’t invested adequate time and training in this part of his field to do it well.
There isn’t a recognized specialty in cosmetic dentistry, nor are smile makeovers taught in dental school. It’s up to the dentist to invest in learning this art form. It doesn’t sound like your dentist has had enough experience and training with this yet. That being said, every cosmetic dentist has their first few cases. The difference between those who do well and become skilled artists and those who stay poor or mediocre is their willingness to make it right.
If a patient isn’t happy with the results of their porcelain veneers, they should be done over at the dentist’s expense. That’s not a requirement, just what a good cosmetic dentist would do. As your dentist is avoiding you, it sounds like your dentist isn’t striving to be better. He just wants the case to be done.
Getting Help with botched Cosmetic Dental Work
In order to get any real help with this, you’re going to need to get a great cosmetic dentist to assist you. Look on the mynewsmile.com website. They have a link for readers to “find a cosmetic dentist”. However, the biggest difference in this list is a dentist can’t just pay to be listed. They have to pass a screening for both their technical training and their artistry in their work. Only then can they get on the list.
Go to one of the dentists they have listed from your area. Let him or know what’s happening and see if they won’t help you get a refund. I don’t really know if you’ll want the dentist to re-do it again. While the third time may be the charm, you’ll want him to first assure you he’ll use a try-in paste before bonding the new ones on and will only bond them if you absolutely love them. If you’re not happy, he should be willing to send them back as many times as is necessary to get them right. That may mean he has to go to a different lab as well. All great cosmetic dentists have a beautiful smile guarantee.
If he’s unwilling to agree with that, stick with the refund. Then let the recommended cosmetic dentist re-do your case properly.
This blog is brought to you by West Seneca Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Warren Krutchick.