I have porcelain veneers and I’d like to know if they will eventually turn yellow like my real teeth are?
–Anthony, Easton, MD
That’s a great question. And the answer is no, they shouldn’t. Porcelain veneers have a protective coating that keeps them stain-resistant. However, the tooth underneath the veneer may attract stains over time and therefore begin to yellow. This yellowing of your real tooth may make it seem as though your porcelain veneer is yellowing, but it’s not the case.
How can you help prevent this yellowing of your real tooth? Try limiting consumption of foods and drinks that are known to leave behind stains. For example, it may be a good idea is to avoid drinking red wine, black coffee or teas. Avoid eating berries. And smoking is definitely something to avoid. Also, if you aren’t already doing so, make it a habit to rinse out your mouth after eating. The longer dark foods and liquids are allowed to hang around on your teeth, the more likely they are to leave behind stains.
Let me caution you about trying to use teeth whitening strips or a whitening toothpaste on your porcelain veneers to combat the yellowing. Those things are very abrasive to the protective coating on your veneers and will destroy it. So don’t do it. Instead, find a great cosmetic dentist who will know the right cement to use to protect against yellowing. Also, find a cosmetic dentist who knows the tricks to protecting the edges of your porcelain veneers, which are vulnerable to staining. Your edges are best protected by being placed in an unnoticeable area — a good cosmetic dentist knows this and how to keep your porcelain veneers looking beautiful.
This blog is sponsored by Buffalo dentist Warren M. Krutchick, DDS.