I can’t seem to get to the dentist. I have pretty severe anxiety. I schedule an appointment, but always end up canceling a few days before in a panic. I’m sure that my teeth will need work. Is there any way to deal with this without expensive therapy?
Dear Connie,
Dental Sedation Can Rid You of Dental Anxiety Forever
You are not the only person to feel this way. I want you to know there is hope and a solution. For a bit, you will find that you’ll need to see a sedation dentist in order to deal with the anxiety and get your oral health back in order. Here’s how to approach it:
Consider What Level of Sedation You Need
With mild anxiety, I recommend nitrous oxide. This relaxes you, but you’re able to go on with your day as normal when the procedure is done. It’s commonly called laughing gas and will just put you at ease before you local anesthetic.
However, you seem to have severe anxiety. In those cases, I recommend oral conscious sedation. This is a pill you’ll take before your appointment. It completely relaxes you. In fact, it relaxes you so much you’ll be a tad loopy. Most patients end up sleeping through their appointment. You’ll have to have someone drive you to and from your appointment as well as stay with you after the procedure until you’re lucid again.
Choose a Sedation Dentist with Training
While dental sedation is perfectly safe, it’s always in the best interest of the patient to make sure they’re with a dentist who’s completely prepared. You want a dentist who’s been certified in sedation and knows the correct procedures in case of emergency.
Dr. Hadgis has gone above and beyond the ADA’s required training and is more than qualified to help patients with this type of work. That’s the type of dentist you want. Not just the one who does the bare minimum to offer a new service.
Always Consider the Type of Dental Work You’ll Need
Imagine finding a wonderful sedation dentist but then finding out he doesn’t know how to do some of the procedures you need for your particular dental health. Do you have particular needs? For instance, do you have a TMJ disorder? Then look for a sedation dentist who also has specialized training in treating that.
Do you need cosmetic work done? Then look for a dentist who is also an AACD accredited dentist so you can get a gorgeous smile.
One great advantage of dental sedation is the ability to get more work done in each sitting. This will enable you to get your oral health back on track sooner than would otherwise be possible.
This blog is brought to you by West Seneca Dentist Dr. Theodore Hadgis.