I’m big into holistic dental care, but there seems to be some argument between root canals and extractions. Some say that root canals leave bacteria in your system and therefore an extraction is the better option. I’m feeling torn. On the one hand I don’t want to have bacteria on my system, while on the other hand, I don’t want to lose a tooth either. Do you have a recommendation before I commit?
Dear Avalon,
It’s always hard when experts disagree. While there is a fringe group of dentists who don’t believe in root canal treatments, most holistic dentists, however, will still do them.
As for the bacteria, even a healthy body has both good and bad bacteria. It helps our immune system to fight infections. If we never had any of that bacteria in our system, the moment we were infected our body wouldn’t have the means to fight it. Some bacteria is healthy. Too much is not.
When you have a root canal it gets out the infection. There may be minute amounts of bacteria left in some tubuals, but they’re not a problem.
With an extraction, you now have to think about replacements. Not only is that an added expense, sometimes quite high, but there are other risks. If you get the best replacement, a dental implant, you’re talking about surgery and all the risks involved with that.
If, instead, you choose to get a dental bridge, they are much harder to get completely clean than natural teeth and then you’re talking about bacteria again, along with the added risks of decay.
I’m always a big believer in saving as much natural tooth structure as possible. If a root canal will do that, I’d go that route.
This blog is brought to you by West Seneca Dentist Dr. Warren Krutchick.